Rejoice always, in all times. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in every circumstance. for this is God’s will for you in Christ! 1 Th. 5:16-18

Prayer is communion with God. The will of God for us is that He will have an unceasing communion/fellowship with us. We are created for this holy communion. God wants to communicate Jesus Christ, Himself, all that He is and all that He have with us. Our lives depend on this communion with God. On this, comes our responsibility. God wants but He will not have communion with us, until we pray. We have not an unceasingly communion with Him because we are not praying unceasingly, not of any unwillingness from God’s part. In prayer we have communion with God, out of which we receive all that God wants to have common with us. When we have communion with God through prayer, we see ourselves and our circumstances through His eyes. In prayer His vision becomes our vision, we see what He sees! We have common vision with God! In the verse above God is telling us that we can rejoices and be grateful regardless of our circumstances. This is possible only when we have His vision.

Praying unceasingly is synonymous with seeing unceasingly what He sees! It’s seeing unceasingly through Christ. He is the vision of God. It’s synonymous with looking unceasingly on Jesus Christ. Looking is believing in Jesus Christ, in the word of God, in His promises, in the gospel of grace, in the work of the cross!

In 2 Cor. 5:7, Paul says that we walk by faith and not by sight! He contrast the natural seeing with the spiritual seeing… the faith of God! Walking by faith is seeing everything through God’s word! Walking by faith is seeing all through Jesus Christ! Walking by faith is seeing all through the work of the cross. Everything we think must be filtered through God’s word! If we walk by what we see in our circumstances, there is no chance that we will rejoice. When we walk by sight, we meditate, think, reckon, imagine or visualize based on what we see in the natural. Walking by faith is meditating, thinking, reckoning, imagining and visualizing according to the good news of God’s word, of God’s promises in Christ.

Let us see the example of one man that is called the father of faith. Abraham did not weaken in faith by thinking that he was one hundred years old neither the deadness of Sara’s womb. Thinking, meditate and looking on our circumstances weakens our faith and then we are wavering in the promises of God. How was he strengthened in faith? God change his name from Abram to Abraham which means father of many nations so he will always remember God’s promise. Every time he was saying his name was declaring and remembering God’s promise! Every time someone was calling him was thinking of God’s promise. God in order to ignite his imagination told him to look the stars and count them and He said to him, so shall your descendants be! Abraham was strengthened in faith by praising God, having been fully persuaded that He who promise is able to do according to His promise. Romans 4:17-21 By Hearing, saying meditating, thinking and visualizing God’s promise, Abraham was strengthened in faith and turn his prayer in to praise!

We are meditating, thinking, imagine, visualizing all the time. It is crucial what is our meditation. It is upper importance to host the word of God in our minds. That ignites our faith in our hearts. Otherwise, meditation on our circumstances ignites worries, anxiety and fear in our hearts. In day light we see nightmares! Our minds are raging with the worse scenario for us and our circumstances. Depression comes in and joy goes out. We are under our circumstances, and we let them to decide for us whether will be joyful or not. Our circumstances, our problems cannot determine our joy! We do! We decide our thinking no one else! Even God does not decides for us! How much more the circumstances or the devil. God wants us to think according to His word, but it is up to us to submit and surrender our mind to the Holy Spirit that we might think, speak and act/walk on His word. IMAGINE WHAT A VIEW, WHAT DREAMS AND WHAT OWNSOME VISION WILL HAVE IF OUR MINDS IS UNDER THE COMPLETE LORDSHIP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE WILL ENABLE US TO SEE OURSELVES AND OUR DESTINATION IN HIS LIGHT. WE WILL BE, WHOM HE WANTS US TO BE AND WE WILL GO WHERE HE WANTS US TO GO! (Even in the natural, we go nowhere without first visualize it in our minds). WE WILL SEE OURSELVES OUT OF THE BONDAGES OF SIN INTO WALKING IN FREEDOM OF THE LIFE OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD…FROM VICTIMS OF OUR CIRCUMSTANCES INTO VICTOCTORS IN CHRIST…FROM SICKNEESS INTO HEALTH BY HIS STRIPES…FROM POVERTY INTO THE RICHES OF CHRIST…FROM A DARK, A DOOM AND HOPELESS DESTINY INTO A GLORIOUS DESTINY IN CHRIST. WE WILL SEE OURSELVES IN CHRIST WHICH IS HOW WE SHOULD SEE OURSELVES! SITTING IN THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER ABOVE EVERY DEVIL AND EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE! AND WE WILL REJOICE IN THE LORD WITH EXCEEDINGLY JOY THAT CANNOT BE UTTERED! When we believe the promises of God our thinking and visualization/imagination is according to God’s word. Jesus said that all that we ask in prayer we should believe that we received, and it shall happen unto us! Mark 11:24 When He says to believe that you received, He says to reckon it, to see it, to imagine it, to think about it as already be done! PRAY ALWAYS ABOUT EVERYTHING BELEIVING AND THINKING THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED, AND YOU WILL REJOYCE AND BE THANKFULL ALWAYS IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCE.

Paul in Phil. 4:4 as he was in prison, he tells us to rejoice always! He was rejoicing though he was in chains! In the following verses down to the end of the chapter, he tells us how he was able to rejoice always, as he instructs us to do the same! HE TELLS HOW WE WILL DO IT, AND IF WE WON’T DO IT, GOD WON’T DO IT FOR US! He did it, by first thinking in forbearing others with leniency! He did it, by thinking that God is near him! He was rejoicing because he was not worried/ be anxious by meditating or thinking how bad his circumstances are and visualizing the worse to happen to him. He was rejoicing because he was anxious about nothing since he was making know to God all his needs in prayer, giving thanks in it! Thanking God with persuasion that he had the answer of his prayer. He was rejoicing because he was actively thinking only what is true, honorable, pure, lovely, admirable and worthy of praise…. our joy depends on what WE think and imagine in our minds. He was able to rejoice though he was in terrible situation because he was BELEIVING and THINKING that he could do everything through Christ who strengthening him. He was convinced that no matter the situation, Jesus will make him triumphant! He was able to rejoice because he was believing and thinking that God will meet all his needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus! That’s how he did it and he still exhorts us through his writings to follow his example. That is, to pray always and we will be grateful and full of joy always in the Lord!

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